Cultural Misinformation and Disinformation

We’re often persuaded or influenced by what we see and hear online. Researchers say, Black communities have been specifically targeted online by bad actors that post false information about cultural issues, attempting to increase divisions in Black communities, influence how we vote, and influence public opinions.

Help stop the spread of cultural misinformation and disinformation:



An inaccurate information and untrue statements, often shared unintentionally. Most people that spread misinformation are doing so unknowingly.

Cultural Misinformation

cul·tur·al mis·in·for·ma·tion

False information surrounding cultural issues or topics, spread unintentionally.



False information that is intentionally shared, usually to create confusion or manipulate target audiences. People, organizations, or governments that spread disinformation often do so deliberately to control perceptions or to cause confusion among their target audiences.

Cultural Disinformation

cul·tur·al dis·in·for·ma·tion

False and inaccurate information surrounding cultural issues or topics that are spread with intentions of deceiving, coercing, or shaping public opinions. Cultural disinformation is fully intentional.

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