Inform Unite Heal
The Inform Unite Heal Campaign is a cultural storytelling initiative used to inform communities about the devastating effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on Black Communities. It encourages personal storytelling, taking action through spreading awareness and supporting family, friends, and local communities. Through our collective efforts to inform and take action, we hope to protect Black communities from the current harms and to support efforts to heal and grow.
What we're doing?
We’re speaking out on the devastating effect of COVID-19 on Black communities.
We’re coming together to inform our communities.
We’re taking action.
We’re working towards healing.
COVID-19 is killing the future of Black America.
95,000 Black Americans have died of COVID-19 and many more face hardships due to medical racism and inaccessible healthcare for other medical issues. (Source, Source)
Long COVID has resulted in additional long term health conditions. (Source)
The Black life expectancy in America was already trailing white counterparts. Following 2020, Black life expectancy dropped by three years. (Source)
Black Americans are experiencing “Vaccine Apartheid,” unequal access to vaccines and healthcare. (Source)
The Black unemployment rate increased in 2020 and Black workers continue to have the highest unemployment rate. (Source and Source)
Black business ownership dropped by over 40% due to the pandemic. (Source)
Housing instability has increased among many African American communities. (Source)
Here's what you can do
- Tell your story. Join the Inform Unite Heal campaign to spread awareness about how COVID-19 is affecting Black communities.
- Stay informed on how COVID-19 is impacting Black lives.
- Continue wearing masks in public spaces.
- Try to boost your immune system.
- Protect immunocompromised people from COVID-19 exposure.
- Use the Coronavirus Self Checker to help you decide on whether or not to seek healthcare.
- Join a Mutual Aid Network or contact one for assistance.
- Send a free or discounted ride through Lyft and Uber ride-share programs.
- Help friends and family with locating vaccination centers and registering online for vaccinations.
- Offer rides to neighbors and friends that are having difficulty accessing vaccines.
- Organize a community ride program to vaccination sites with your church, mosque, or community group.
- Donate to local food pantries or organize a community food bank/delivery service.
- Contact your representatives and ask them to place or extend moratoriums on rent and utility payments.
- Contact your representatives and ask them to make healthcare and vaccinations more accessible with mobile vaccination clinics.
- Seek help at local food pantries and food banks.
- Seek help for housing assistance.
Inform Unite Heal: Story Series

Protecting my immunocompromised mother: why I chose to get vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
It was really a no-brainer for me to get vaccinated. I do not want to continue wearing masks, I’m too cute! How can I meet

The King of Reads explains why we must work together to end COVID-19 #InformUniteHeal
The King of Reads is over COVID-19 and so are we! Justin James is founder and Editor-in-Chief of King Of Reads. His popular Youtube channel

Nicki Minaj, vaccine hesitancy, and misinformation: what we can learn from her story #InformUniteHeal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: September 14, 2021 Nicki Minaj, vaccine hesitancy, and misinformation: what we can learn from her story #InformUniteHeal Statement from the

I had COVID-19 with my niece and nephew: this is my story #InformUniteHeal
By Sydnei Jarman Everything came to a screeching halt last year. For me, the severity of the virus seemed like an urban legend. I knew

I’m a Black traveler, here’s why I choose to be vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
By Diedre McLeod When the first set of COVID-19 cases became widely known in the USA, I had just arrived in New York. I planned

Protecting my family and our lives: three reasons I chose to get vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
By Vernetta R. Freeney March 2020 was the culmination of slow, poor decisions and an unprepared global society. One day we’re living life as we each

Black men lost 3 years of life expectancy: Why I chose to get vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
By Marc W. Polite Lived experience can be a catalyst to action. While this is true on an individual level, the collective experiences of a

I’m a Black Writer Living with Multiple Sclerosis, Here’s Why I Chose to Get Vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
There’s so much confusion and division surrounding coronavirus vaccinations that I felt obligated to share my experience – with the hopes that anyone reading that

I’m a 65+ year-old Retiree From Los Angeles, Here’s Why I Chose to Get Vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
[Los Angeles, CA] The first part of the year is usually a busy time for me. Recovering from the holidays and starting new initiatives take

I’ve had COVID-19 for a year. Here’s what I’ve learned: Margot Gage Witvliet #InformUniteHeal
Epidemiologist Dr. Margot Gage Witvliet explains her experience with “Long COVID.” #InformUniteHeal “Like millions of people around the world, epidemiologist Dr. Margot Gage Witvliet

Poor Healthcare Quality Increasing Black COVID-19 Deaths #InformUniteHeal
As reported by TaRhonda Thomas, The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that Black COVID-19 patients died at higher rates than white counterparts due